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To build the strength for what we think is impossible, by enabling ourselves to see the way.

Aerial Forest

The Problem


​1 in 5 americans

age 18 to 49

have experienced a mental illness in the past year.

(Between the ages of 18-25 that number is 25.8%, 26-49 it is 22.2%  [NIMH 2017].)


Even more people struggle with challenges that are not diagnosable. Issues such as shame, self-criticism, numbing, and detachment. These issues lead to larger, more tangible consequences in careers, relationships, and life-satisfaction.






For a majority of Americans, participation in mental health care requires a crisis, and treatment is limited. Given this reality, life changing help isn't accessible until a crisis happens. The idea of preventive care is not a new concept. In fact, it is essential to holistic wellness.


We believe that it is better to have strategies for handling a crisis before an acute illness happens.Just like knowing first aid can be lifesaving, having emotional awareness and skills is essential. They can help you avoid toxic relationships, live more authentically and take risks that move yourself forward. We want you to live a richer life, be a stronger person and a more caring human being.


so, prevention is at the core of what we dO.We teach mindfulness and resilience to help all people find wellness,with the recognition that you do not need to be in emotional pain in order to experience healing and growth. 



Support all those we serve, transform attitudes toward change and build knowledge that helps all people thrive.

Grass Close Up

About our approach

​​​​​​Finding an authentic path is the beginning.


" Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony"

- Mohandas Gandhi


At times when we are faced with significant challenges we can compromise how we see ourselves. We make choices against our values because of the emotional pressure in the moment, or because  we feel constrained by circumstances. When we continually act in ways that go against our values we lose authenticity in our lives. This dissonance between how we see ourselves internally and how we are behaving can lead to emotional pain and feelings of guilt or lower self-esteem.


Authenticity, is when your values, thoughts and behaviors are all in alignment.You are aware of your ideal self, your strengths and weaknesses, and are able to take actions based on that self knowledge. Because of this self awareness, you are also able to build continual growth and resilience.


Living authentically has been correlated with lower distress and higher life satisfaction over time [Boyraz, G., Waits, J. B., & Felix, V. A. (2014)], as well as associated with healthy psychological functioning and positive well-being [Goldman, B.M., & Kernis, M.H. (2002)].



We challenge ourselves to be authentic, and to pass that authenticity on to others. Because we recognize knowing oneself and being oneself is a key skill for independence and well being. 


Growth from Experience

“Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.” -Victor Frankl


In order to achieve change, and adapt to new experiences, we must believe that we are adaptable. Growth is about developing the skills to understand the past and present, so that when a change is needed one can meet that change with something new.


Educator, Researcher and CEO, Angela Duckworth, popularized the notion of Grit as an essential skill in achieving goals. It is the ability to sustain effort and engagement with a passion over long periods of time (usually years, decades or a lifetime). Why grit is an essential skill in achieving goals, is because individuals who exhibit more grit are more likely to adopt a mindset of continuous growth and less likely to abandon a pursuit when faced with setbacks .


we recognize the importance of adaptability and grit. We do this through teaching personal awareness, self-assessment and cultivating a growth oriented mindest. 

Recognize Resilience

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr.


Resilience is an idea that has many different definitions and many ways of conceptualization. At the heart of most definitions of resilience is the concept of learning from, and experiencing positive outcomes in spite of hardship.


Resilience is also defined by an interaction between our environment and our reactions to that environment [Centre of Resilience for Social Justice]. Individuals who are able to see setbacks as temporary and changeable, resist catastrophic thinking, cultivate supportive relationships and have a strong spiritual and cultural identity are more likely to bounce back from negative experiences [National Scientific Council, 2015].


Skills leading to resilience, fortunately, can be taught and are taught in therapy. They are also taught to the military and used in sports and business.


Resilience is central to Living a meaningful life. We cultivate resilience by helping to build purpose, cultivate mindfulness, increase social connections and develop an authentic Identity.


Curiosity. Authencitity. Integrity.

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